Statement of Philosophy
Karana Early Education Centre is a place where “Belonging, Being, Becoming” moves beyond words, into a culture that we live. It is our
Aim for people to feel like they are a part of our family the moment they walk in the door. Building relationships is one of the most important aspects of what we do, creating an atmosphere that is warm and welcoming for children, their families and visitors; a place where children feel loved, safe and secure away from their families. We
Recognise children’s needs for strong attachments to those who care for them and by creating mixed age primary care groups – allowing children to retain those strong attachments with adults who remain constant throughout their time with us. We make a commitment to get to know each child, take joy from being with them, and make being available to them a priority.
Also of high importance, are the partnerships we form with families, recognising them as children’s first and most influential teachers. We aim to form strong links between a child’s home life, the centre, and the wider community. Children are placed in the same care group with siblings/family. We understand the
Needs of families to feel confident in the knowledge that their children are in a place where they will receive care second only to what they themselves would give. We encourage
All families to participate in the life of our centre in any capacity they are able, and we welcome and value their input and feedback as partners in the care of their children.
Environments should be built by the people within it, and children need to be able to see and feel a reflection of the individual they are within that environment. Our whole service, home away from home approach allows children to access all areas of the centre, indoors and outdoors, throughout the day.
As we celebrate the differences and diversity of others, we create a place that is reflective of the cultures of us, the children, their families, and the community, and respectful of the Aboriginal heritage of our country.
Realising that each person has something unique and special to bring, we welcome and embrace the diversity of each person
Linked to our centre. We understand that a rich cultural atmosphere is central to children learning empathy and understanding toward others, both in their early
Years and in their lives ahead.
Experiences provided for children, both planned and spontaneous, are undertaken to support the learning and
Development of each child and their individual abilities, needs and interests. Our curriculum recognizes the Early Years Learning Framework as the
Underpinning foundation for the way we educate children. We believe that children will thrive best in a mixed-age, play-based learning environment and we strive to
Create rich learning opportunities through the environment, which enable children to explore and discover, bring out their imaginations, build relationships, help and learn from one another, and
Above all, have FUN!
To identify children’s strengths, we carefully observe and reflect, then plan with these strengths in mind, setting children up for success and providing opportunities for them to play and learn
In their own unique ways. We recognize that all children can drive their own learning and these “play” moments are equally important as the natural flow of their daily routines. We strive to scaffold learning
Opportunities into all aspects of our day. We recognize the routines of
New and exciting ways of doing things are constantly explored and implemented with the children
Continually building our own knowledge through professional development and further learning, we believe is the best way for us to advocate for lifelong learning. As
Educators, we never stop learning, and often engage in co-learning with the very people we teach. We strive to create a strong team-based ethos, free from
Negativity and judgement. A place where each Educator is valued for what they bring and is able to freely express themself.
To ensure we create a culture of professional enquiry, we work together to examine our current practices, review outcomes, and generate new ideas. By engaging in
Reflective practices, we are always pushing the boundaries of what might be, in our goal to make Karana Early Education Centre the best place to be….. a leader in our field…… a centre of excellence, where
Every child in our care has the best possible experience each and every day.